Developing and Living With a Growth Mindset 3 Month Course With Jack – Tuesday Mornings


Embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and transformation with our course on ‘Developing and Living with a Growth Mindset.’ This compelling and intensive 12-week course stimulates your mind, challenges your beliefs, and enhances your intrinsic values. We invite you to immerse yourself in an enriching learning experience that paves the way for your personal and professional growth.



Embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and transformation with our course on ‘Developing and Living with a Growth Mindset.’ This compelling and intensive 12-week course stimulates your mind, challenges your beliefs, and enhances your intrinsic values. We invite you to immerse yourself in an enriching learning experience that paves the way for your personal and professional growth.

This program offers an exploration of topics such as:

  • Challenging Our Beliefs Versus Core Values: Dive deep into the landscape of your mind and learn how to differentiate between limiting beliefs and essential core values. Develop the courage to question your old assumptions and replace them with empowering growth-oriented mindsets.
  • Living Your Life with Core Values: Discover how aligning your actions with your core values can lead to a more fulfilling life. This module will guide you to create harmony between your values and daily life, enhancing your sense of authenticity and purpose.
  • Challenging Negative Thoughts: Arm yourself with practical tools and strategies to counteract negative thoughts that hinder your growth. Learn to curate your mind, fostering positivity and resilience to drive you toward your aspirations.
  • Leading Others with Core Values: Expand your influence by leading with core values. Inspire others with your authenticity and demonstrate that leadership is less about authority and more about living your truth and inspiring others to do the same.
  • We Don’t Have to Believe Everything We Think: Get ready to deconstruct the thought patterns holding you back. Learn to differentiate between constructive thoughts and irrational beliefs, and consciously choose to fuel your mind with ideas that serve your growth.
  • Challenging Negative People: Equip yourself with the strategies to deal effectively with negative influences in your life. Transform conflicts into constructive conversations and foster a growth-oriented environment around you.
  • Self-Management and Authenticity: Learn the art of self-management by becoming more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Embrace your uniqueness and live authentically, inspiring others to do the same.’Developing and Living with a Growth Mindset’ is more than a course; it’s a journey to becoming the best version of yourself. So step into this empowering learning adventure and unlock your unlimited potential to grow and thrive.Challenge the limitations of your past thoughts and prepare to embrace a vibrant future with a growth mindset.Remember, the change begins with you!

Developing and Living with a Growth Mindset’ is more than a course; it’s a journey to becoming the best version of yourself. So step into this empowering learning adventure and unlock your unlimited potential to grow and thrive. Challenge the limitations of your past thoughts and prepare to embrace a vibrant future with a growth mindset. Remember, the change begins with you!